ADLS Language


GCSE Arabic tuition via Skype. If you attend school in any of the Gulf countries and would like to study for GCSE Arabic support is here. We take you through the skills needed and the course content. We are based in London and have years of experience with the previous and current specifications.

Whilst most of our GCSE Arabic tuition is done online we do offer tuition at home if you are based in London. We Cover:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Grammar

We also use past papers and various drills to bring you up to speed with your Arabic. You may already have what it takes but need a few practice runs or mocks, we do that too.

Send us an email using our details for more information or just flick through the site to the GCSE Arabic pages.

GCSE Arabic Dubai Qatar

Not prepared? Then why not take an assessment to see your level and find out how well you can do at GCSE Arabic, you may need to start with a pr-GCSE Arabic course. This course may not be suitable for everyone but you could be one of those who might be able to do quite well. Many of our past students were nervous about doing the speaking paper but after they were taken through the procedure they realised that it was not as bad as they thought.

Obviously, you will need the right support so that you do not go wrong and make costly mistakes, that is why we are here…to help.

Learn Arabic Online

Offering a range of lessons in Arabic using books such as 9-1 GCSE Arabic Companion, Medina Arabic, Gateway to Arabic, Mastering Arabic, Al Arabeya Bayna Yadayk, Your Arabic Friend, Al Kitaab fi Ta’lum Al Arabiya, Al Kitaab Al Assaasy and more of your choosing with an online Arabic teacher.