ADLS Language

Reminder For Non-Attendance

Dear all, this is a reminder regarding non-attendance.

If you are normally a monthly paying customer, who benefits from the advance reduced rate package, this is especially for you.

We appreciate that life can get busy, it happens to us also. If you could try to send a message/email prior to your deadline date for the monthly payment to be paid, or shortly afterwards, as even a little information, would help us so much. Even where busy our rates, and policy do not change.

We do not usually have to chase people for payment, as the majority are up to date and have no issues. Although every now and again, especially for those new to tutoring with us, they will experience lapses in payment.

When these lapses happen we shall have no resort but to place you back on the default PAYG system, (Pay As You Go). When this happens you will not be able to pay the reduced rate for that month, until the following month, when the payment shall become due once again.

We send out information when you are starting lessons, as well as on the website to make customers aware of this.

If you need any clarification do let us know.